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How to expand the new path of training "golden teachers" in vocational education

习近平总书记指出,强教必先强师。It is necessary to strengthen the construction of teachers as the most important basic work to build a strong education country, improve the teacher education system with Chinese characteristics, and vigorously train a team of high-quality professional teachers with noble ethics, excellent professional skills, reasonable structure and vitality。

  To improve the quality of teachers and cultivate a group of "golden teachers" is the key task of professional quality improvement。How to expand the training path of "golden teachers" in vocational education and continuously improve the professional ability of teachers is an urgent issue we are facing。

  We will build a national teacher innovation team and accelerate the emergence of "golden teachers"

  The construction of the national vocational education teacher innovation team is the core driving force to promote the high-quality development of the vocational education system, which is of great significance to adapt to the economic and social transformation and upgrading and build a skill-based society。Through in-depth docking with the industry,The faculty innovation team ensures that the content is closely aligned with industry needs,Improve the practicability and pertinence of personnel training,Lead the innovation of teaching model,Such as project-based learning and modular teaching,To promote fundamental changes in learning styles,同时,The teacher innovation team builds a resource sharing platform,Help balanced allocation of education resources,Narrow regional differences,And through strengthening the construction of teachers and participation in policy development,Overall improve teaching and research ability,To guide the development direction of vocational education。This comprehensive construction process not only involves the improvement of teachers' individual and team abilities, but also profoundly affects the innovation of teaching practice, scientific research, policy orientation and other aspects, which is a key measure to realize the modernization of vocational education and serve the national development strategy。

  The national vocational education teacher innovation team is a high-level teaching and research collective composed of teachers from multiple fields and professions. Through team cooperation, it can integrate interdisciplinary resources, solve complex problems in teaching, jointly develop new courses, teaching materials and teaching methods, and realize the optimal allocation and sharing of teaching resources。

  "Golden Teacher" of vocational education is the outstanding teacher of vocational education,In professional skills, teaching methods, ethics and other aspects of the teachers set a high standard of the model,And as a core member of the team,Able to drive the improvement of the overall level of the team with his personal excellence,The team provides a broader space and more resources for the "golden teacher",Support them to carry out deeper teaching reform and innovative practice。

  The construction of national vocational education teachers' teaching innovation team and the training of "golden teachers" complement each other. Through the construction of national vocational education teachers' teaching innovation team, the emergence of "golden teachers" can be accelerated, and the growth of "golden teachers" further strengthens the innovation ability and demonstration role of the team。In this process, the two factors of "platform building" and "capability improvement" are crucial。

  Gather high-level teaching and research platforms to build a new ecology of science and education integration

  The integration of science and education plays a vital role in the construction of vocational education teachers,It breaks down the boundary between education and research,It has injected new vitality and provided a new direction for the development of teachers,It is a key strategy to promote the team of vocational education teachers to a higher level,It is of far-reaching significance for improving the connotation and quality of vocational education, promoting the integration of production and education and building an innovative country。In the field of vocational education, the integration of science and education not only means that teachers need to have solid subject knowledge and exquisite teaching skills, but also need to keep up with the forefront of scientific and technological development and integrate the latest scientific research results, technology application and innovative thinking into daily teaching, so as to cultivate highly skilled talents who understand both theory and practice。This model encourages teachers to participate in scientific research activities, to enrich teaching content and improve teaching quality by solving practical problems, and to promote teachers' professional growth and innovation ability。

  Take the construction of national vocational education teachers' teaching innovation team in digital media technology major of the author's school as an example,It is based on serving the national strategic emerging industry digital creative industry,Combined with the construction of high-level professional groups of film and television animation in Chongqing,Relying on the municipal demonstration vocational education group Chongqing digital creative vocational education Group,Keep up with the cutting-edge development trend of "technology + art, culture + technology, technology + creativity" digital creative industry,Focus on the three areas of personnel training, scientific and technological innovation, cultural inheritance and innovation,Aiming at the two specific problems of teaching innovation team, "the integration degree of scientific research and teaching needs to be deepened, and the path of teachers' ability improvement is not clear enough",According to the idea of "teaching promotes scientific research and scientific research feeds teaching",With local leading enterprises, specialized new enterprises to build a mobile new media industry college, digital creative technology skills service center,And based on Bloom's cognitive hierarchy theory,The ability training of team teachers is carefully designed,Form a good closed loop of science and education integration of "teaching topics, scientific research transformation, and achievements into the classroom"。

  Optimize teachers' ability improvement path and build five core competencies

  The composition of teachers' ability in higher vocational colleges is a multi-level and three-dimensional system,Every dimension is indispensable,Jointly promote the professional growth of teachers and improve the quality of education and teaching,Among them, the core competence group is the ability that plays a decisive role in the professional quality of "double-qualified" teachers,It is a growing professional ability to meet the development of The Times and social needs,It plays a positive role in promoting education, teaching, scientific research practice and social services,It mainly includes but is not limited to learning ability, technology application research ability (digital ability), practical ability, science and education integration ability and innovation ability,They promote each other and integrate with each other,Together to support the solid foundation of teacher professional growth。

  其中,Learning ability is the cornerstone of teachers' sustainable development,In the rapidly changing era of knowledge economy,Higher vocational teachers need to constantly learn new theories, new technologies and new methods,Keep personal knowledge structure advanced and epochal,In order to integrate the latest achievements into teaching,To satisfy students' thirst for new knowledge;Technology application research ability emphasizes the scientific research quality that teachers should possess,Not limited to basic theoretical research,More emphasis is placed on the combination of applied research and teaching research,Through scientific research activities,Teachers can deepen their understanding of the profession,Identify and solve practical problems in teaching,Promote the innovation of teaching content and methods,So as to improve the teaching quality and education effect;Practical ability is an important feature that distinguishes higher vocational education from ordinary higher education,Teachers should not only have a solid theoretical foundation,Also need to have a wealth of industry practical experience and professional skills,Able to design and guide students to participate in internship training, project practice and other activities,Promote the formation and improvement of students' professional skills,Enhance their employment competitiveness;The ability to integrate science and education is embodied in the ability of teachers to deeply integrate science and technology innovation, scientific research achievements and education and teaching,This means that teachers should be able to use modern information technology,Such as digital teaching resources, virtual reality technology and other innovative teaching methods,At the same time, it can transform scientific research results into teaching content,Allow students to contact the most cutting-edge scientific and technological knowledge and technology applications in the learning process;The ability to innovate is the key to promoting educational progress,This requires teachers to have the courage to try new teaching ideas and methods,Such as project learning, modular teaching, flipped classroom and so on,Encourage students to explore and innovate,Develop critical thinking, problem solving and lifelong learning skills。

  为此,The teaching innovation team of digital media technology teachers in the school where the author works closely follows the pace of the transformation and upgrading of digital creative industry to master new positions, new methods, new technologies, new processes and new standards for vocational education teachers,To sort out the core competence of vocational education teachers in the new era,The principle is to unify the needs of the overall development of the team and the needs of the personal growth of the teacher,According to the five stages of "cognition (learning ability) - research (technology application research ability) - practice (enterprise practice ability) - integration (science and education integration ability) - innovation (innovation ability)",Through professional curriculum standards, modular curriculum, loose-leaf teaching materials and other aspects of training,Improve the learning ability of team teachers,Relying on the intangible cultural heritage digital research Institute and other master teaching and other ways,Improve the team teachers' ability of technology application research,Through the implementation of the "enterprise, project, and training" plan,Improve the practical ability of team teachers。

  (作者:李可,Chongqing Vocational College of Industry and Commerce;This paper is the research result of Chongqing Vocational Education Teaching reform research project "Research and Practice of Vocational Teachers' Teaching innovation team Training for Digital Creative Industry" [No. Z233083].

(From Modern Higher Vocational and Technical Education Network, information source: China Education Daily, September 10, 2024)