Educational dynamics
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Higher vocational colleges to "new double high" must first cure "virtual"

Since the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Finance launched the first round of the "Double High Plan" (that is, the high-level vocational school and professional construction plan with Chinese characteristics) acceptance work in January 2024,The construction of "new double high" has become a hot topic in the field of higher vocational education,The main construction goal has gradually focused on the high level of school-running ability and the high quality of the integration of production and education。A new round of declarations is also on the horizon。No matter how the Ministry of Education designs the "new double high" construction ideas,Vocational education should return to its true nature,All must be oriented towards the major strategic plans of the Party and the country,回答好习近平总书记“我们要实实在在地把职业教育搞好”的命题,Reshape the new system of vocational education development,Build a good ecology of vocational education that ADAPTS to and matches high-quality economic and social development。

As everyone knows,Promoting the high quality development of vocational education is a systematic project,At present, it is widely concerned about "one body and two wings" or "hardware construction",Are all components of this complex system,It is only a task carrier to innovate and promote the construction of "new double heights",Even divided into different "tracks",It is only the path and service orientation of innovation to promote the construction of "new double highs",It's not all about vocational education。Of course, the "new double high" construction should focus on cracking some unsatisfactory places in the construction of the last round of "double high Plan", and prevent the misunderstanding of "heavy results light construction" and "results are king" that may fall into many higher vocational colleges。

There is a cloud in the Chinese medical classic "Huangdi's Inner Classic · Lingshu" : "We must examine the disease form of the five viscera, in order to know the deficiency and reality of its qi, and carefully regulate it.。Borrow the theoretical understanding of the complex system of life from traditional Chinese medicine,I suppose,On the way to the "new double Heights",Higher vocational colleges should grasp the basic laws of the development of vocational education,High quality development as the main line,Around the "five viscera uneasiness" the right medicine,First cure their own "virtual" disease,Effectively solve existing problems,We will do a good job in building quality, capability and characteristics,Actively adapt to the changes of The Times, actively adapt to the needs of The Times, and efficiently respond to the questions of The Times。

First, to treat the deficiency of professional construction and enhance the matching degree of social needs。

Vocational education is a type of education that is most closely related to the economy and society. It is born and prospers with the industry and should always resonate with the industrial development。然而,As far as the current situation is concerned,In many higher vocational colleges, the degree of fit between the professional setup and the social demand is not enough,The main manifestations are: the lack of foresight, pertinence and planning in the professional setting,Free from the school positioning;There are clusters and overlaps of majors,Failing to highlight its own school-running characteristics;The industrial chain link of professional group docking is not accurate, and the level of target value chain is unreasonable;Excessive pursuit of the current hot industry,Lack of scientific proof,Divorced from the reality of running a school;Professional digital transformation is far behind the new demand brought about by industrial transformation and upgrading;The logic of professional groups is not clear,There are barriers to integration,It is difficult to form the "joint force" of talent training;The professional curriculum structure system lacks flexibility and cohesion,Out of touch with practical application;And so on。For higher vocational colleges, if dance is not good at professional construction, high-quality development will become a "tree without roots" and "water without a source".。

On the way to the "new double high", higher vocational colleges must focus on how to enhance the matching degree of social needs and treat the "virtual" of professional construction.。First, we will do a good job in professional groups。A comprehensive regulation mechanism for the layout structure of majors, a dynamic adjustment mechanism for majors, and a linkage mechanism between enrollment and employment and specialty Settings should be established,Effectively anchor their own school-running positioning and school-running characteristics,Break the traditional "disciplinarization" paradigm of professional group model,To achieve cross-field, interdisciplinary, heavy interaction, heavy collaboration group logic,Optimize resource integration and allocation,Optimize the teaching organization form,Bring into play the synergistic effect of clustering。Second, it is close to industrial development。Keep pace with technology, market and industry developments,The idea is to combine current hot spots with long-term development, connect main majors with radiation majors, and complement academic degree majors with vocational training,Dynamic expansion of professional direction,We will eliminate a number of backward majors,Renew and transform traditional specialties,Add and advance the layout of new majors serving strategic emerging industries and future industries,We will promote the transformation and upgrading of professional construction into training highly skilled personnel。The third is to adapt to job changes。Scientific analysis of the relationship between industry, occupation, post and profession,Optimize the setting or restructure the professional curriculum structure system,Let the curriculum close to the industry and enterprise reality,Match the new usage scenario to the capability structure,Ensure that the teaching content is deeply integrated into the needs of talent ability and literacy,Strengthen the scientific, forward-looking, orderly and coherent curriculum system and teaching content,Improve the pertinence and adaptability of personnel training。

Second, the rule of value shaping of the virtual, enhance the achievement of Lide tree people。

To carry out the fundamental task of building moral and cultivating people, we must integrate value shaping, knowledge imparting and ability training into one and cannot be separated。然而,In the process of student training in higher vocational colleges, there are still problems of value shaping,At least, moral education is not integrated into classroom teaching, skill training, practice and other links,Promote ideological and political curriculum and curriculum ideological and political integration;The ideological and political elements will be labeled and embedded in professional courses,Let the ideological and political elements of the course and the course content present "water and oil do not mix";A large number of professional teachers do not have a strong sense of education in carrying out curriculum ideological and political education,The Angle of education is inaccurate,Lack of education ability;In many colleges and universities, the understanding of artisan spirit is generally vulgarized and superficial,The goal of talent training is insufficient to define the spirit of craftsman.The work of "three full education" lacks innovation and vitality,The mechanism of cooperative education is not perfect,It is difficult to form a systematic, coordinated and dynamic long-term operating mechanism;And so on。For higher vocational colleges, moral cultivation is the fundamental task, if the value is not in place, high-quality development will lose the "foundation".。

On the way to the "new double high", higher vocational colleges must focus on how to enhance the achievement of virtue and cultivate people, and treat the "virtual" of value shaping.。First, we will improve the pattern of education。Focus on its own school-running characteristics and students' growth and development needs,Adhere to the fundamental task of moral education,Follow the laws of ideological and political work,Effectively coordinate the factors and resources for educating people in all aspects,Innovate collaborative working mechanisms,Construct the working mode of "great thinking and politics",We will strive to promote ideological and political curriculum and curriculum ideological and political cooperation, and integrate small school classrooms with large social classrooms,Highlight characteristics and advantages,Create a new pattern of "three full education"。Second, restructure the ideological and political system。Make full use of the new generation of technical means and methods,Accelerate the digital transformation of ideological and political education,Build a multi-dimensional integrated all-round ideological and political education system,Focus on precision breeding people,Innovative scene expression,Expand the experience, interaction, connection, openness and multi-dimension of ideological and political education,The formation of "digital thinking and politics", "panoramic education" and other new forms,Strengthening digitalization enables Lide to cultivate people's work efficiency。Third, we will strengthen the spirit of craftsmanship。The craftsman spirit will be incorporated into the talent training target system and specifications,As an important part of ideological and political education and curriculum, ideological and political education runs through the whole process of education and teaching,Reform the design of professional teaching content,Innovation evaluation system,Create an all-round education environment that promotes the spirit of model workers, labor and artisans in the new era,Guide students to establish skills to serve the country, skills to become the ambition,"Raising seedlings" for artisans in big countries。

Thirdly, to cure the deficiency of teaching process and enhance the effectiveness of training objectives。

The teaching process is the intermediate variable to achieve the goal of talent training, which directly determines whether the high-quality technical talents can be trained to meet the market demand。然而,There are still many problems in higher vocational colleges in implementing the new concept of vocational education and penetrating the training objectives into the training process,At least, the formulation of talent training programs, the formulation of teaching standards, curriculum design, textbook research and development, and resource construction are still dominated by schools,Corporate involvement is superficial;Teaching and production are not integrated enough,Teaching content fails to integrate new knowledge, new technology, new technology, new methods, new norms, etc,Lagging behind changes in job demand;There is a great disconnect between the textbook construction, course opening and teaching content and the market demand,Failing to accurately match talent training and industrial needs;There are some embarrassing situations in the comprehensive education of post class competition and certificate, which emphasize form over quality, result over process, and present over future,Fusion logic needs to be optimized;And so on。For higher vocational colleges, if the teaching process management is absent or dissimilated, high-quality development will becomeMirage。

On the way to the "new double high", higher vocational colleges must focus on how to enhance the effectiveness of training objectives, and cure the "virtual" teaching process.。First, innovate the training model。To the new economy, new technology, new occupation under the post demand,Adhere to the school-running model of integration of industry and education and school-enterprise cooperation,Restructure the goal of personnel training,Adjust the talent training mode in real time,The cultivation of talents is deeply rooted in industrial development,Absorb enterprises to deeply participate in the whole process of talent training,Gather high-quality resources for production and education,We will expand the apprenticeship system with Chinese characteristics,We will promote the integration of recruitment and enrollment,Realize open talent training。Second, we will create high-quality resources。Take the curriculum system as the carrier,Specialized courses around key areas,Focus on the industry enterprise technology frontier,Establish a school-enterprise collaborative teaching material development mechanism,Dynamic updating of curriculum standards,Elements of sequential knowledge ability,Reorganized teaching module,Reconstruct teaching content,Cooperate to build teaching materials that are easy to update, easy to combine, and diverse in form,Promote the integration of education certificates and skills certificates,Vigorously promote the construction of high-quality teaching resources。The third is to reconstruct the teaching scene。Effective use of virtual reality, digital twin, artificial intelligence and other technologies,Handle the relationship between teaching process and production process well,Integrate the teaching scene with the production scene,Construct the teaching scene of "traditional classroom + virtual classroom + enterprise classroom",Establish a new teaching relationship of digital intelligence empowerment,And carry out accurate process evaluation and value-added evaluation,We will promote the integrated development of vocational education and technical skills education。

Fourth, to treat the deficiency of teachers, enhance the support of intellectual base。

The level and quality of teachers directly affect the quality of education, teaching and personnel training in higher vocational colleges。In fact,With the rapid development of higher vocational education in recent years,Its weakness and bottleneck have been clearly reflected in the "intellectual base" of teaching staff construction,The appearance of internal vacuity,The main manifestation is that most teachers do not properly deal with the relationship between "professionalism" and "higher education",Insufficient cognition of vocational education concept innovation;The proportion of teachers with master's degrees remains low,The ability of educational research, applied research and transformation of scientific and technological achievements is weak;The supplementary channels of teachers in higher vocational colleges are relatively simple,It generally comes from ordinary college graduates,The practical operation ability is not strong;The overall digital literacy and skills of teachers are not high,Insufficient ability to effectively carry out interactive teaching with the help of digital intelligent technology;The training system of "double-qualified" teachers is not perfect,The two-way flow between schools and enterprises is difficult,There exists the phenomenon of separation between theory and practice.And so on。For higher vocational colleges, if the construction of teaching staff is not in place, high-quality development will lose the "source of living water".。

On the way to the "new double high", higher vocational colleges must focus on how to enhance the support of human resources and treat the "virtual" of the teaching staff.。First, we will deepen the introduction of talent。It is guided by the characteristics of colleges and universities and the needs of local economic development,Reform the school teacher recruitment system,Establish a mechanism of mutual employment between university and enterprise personnel,By part-time service, project cooperation, joint research and other forms of flexible introduction of high-level technical personnel, first-line skills to teach in the school,Set up industry professor special post, skill master studio, etc,Attract artisans, skill masters, skill inheritors and other part-time teachers from big countries。Second, improve the training mechanism。To formulate plans for the growth and development of teaching staff,Establish a teacher training system with integrated design, segmented training and openness,Implement stratified and classified cultivation,Through pre-service training and post-service training,For curriculum reform, textbook update needs,It is planned to select and send teachers to the production, management, research and development line of leading enterprises and leading enterprises,Full coverage of digital intelligence technology application and teaching ability training。Third, reform the evaluation system。According to the characteristics of higher vocational education,Set the right direction,Establish a graded and classified assessment mechanism and an incentive mechanism that matches performance,Construct a unified evaluation system and standard of process, result and development,Efforts will be made to optimize the environment for teacher development,The teachers should be evaluated scientifically, reasonably, fairly and objectively,Promote specialization,Create a skilled artisan gold master。

Fifth, the deficiency of the integration of governance, production and education, and the contribution degree of service development。

The integration of production and education is an important measure to realize the organic connection of education chain, industrial chain, talent chain and value chain, and is regarded as an important symbol to measure the effectiveness of vocational education reform。然而,In reality, the integration of production and education has a prominent problem of "integration without integration",The contribution to the development of service parties is weak,The main performance is: many colleges and universities are keen to pursue the status of enterprises in the industry,There exists formal cooperation of "heavy name and light reality";Many school-enterprise cooperation "light weight",It tends to stay at the protocol level,Lack of deep cooperation mechanism;Many higher vocational colleges emphasize education over production,Failure to integrate production practice with professional teaching activities effectively,Out of touch with the market;Both the university and the enterprise are not clear about the cooperation goals and responsibilities,Resource investment and allocation are unreasonable,Lack of long-term stable cooperative relationship;Most colleges and universities lack the courage to innovate the system and mechanism according to local conditions in order to solve the "two skins" dilemma of the integration of production and education.And so on。For higher vocational colleges, if they cannot take the road of deep integration of production and education, high-quality development will lose the "booster".。

On the way to the "new double high", higher vocational colleges must focus on how to enhance the contribution degree of service development, and the "virtual" of the integration of management, production and education.。First, choose the appropriate model。Based on regional economic and social development characteristics,Comprehensive consideration of the professional, the corresponding industry, the industrial chain and other aspects of the differences,Identify the target value chain for the proposed service,According to local conditions, we choose single point focusing, multi-point linkage, full chain symbiosis, matrix coordination and other integration modes of production and education,To form a community of integration of industry and education,Efforts will be made to solve the problem of unbalanced interests between production and education and the mismatch between supply and demand。Second, shape the pattern of development。Take the regional development strategy as the guide,We will combine the construction of high-level vocational colleges with the construction of high-quality industrial systems and high-quality cities,To build city-wide industry and education consortia and industrial industry and education integration communities,Build an open, multilateral, co-creation and sharing of vocational education industry and education integrated development ecology,Achieve integrated development of "industry, education and city",A new pattern of overall integration of vocational education and industry and positive interaction between urban development will be formed。Third, enhance the effectiveness of integration。Make full use of existing policy frameworks,Establish and improve the internal management and supervision system of school-enterprise cooperation,Establish a sound evaluation system,We will explore practical and effective cooperation mechanisms,Stimulate the enthusiasm of industry enterprises to participate in the integration of industry and education,Integrated output production and education integration services,Effectively stimulate the impact of the integration of production and education on talent training, teaching effectiveness, scientific research and innovation in higher vocational colleges and its contribution to local economic and social development。

(Author: Nan Xuguang, Member of the Party Committee and Vice President of Chongqing Open University/Chongqing Vocational College of Industry and Commerce)

(from Modern Higher Vocational and Technical Education Network)