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Chapter IV network information security

Article 40 Network operators shall keep strictly confidential the user information they collect, and establish and improve the user information protection system。

Article 41 In collecting and using personal information, network operators shall follow the principles of legality, legitimacy and necessity, make public the collection and use rules, specify the purpose, method and scope of the collection and use of information, and obtain the consent of the collected person。

Network operators shall not collect personal information unrelated to the services they provide, shall not collect and use personal information in violation of the provisions of laws, administrative regulations and the agreement between the two parties, and shall handle the personal information they keep in accordance with the provisions of laws, administrative regulations and the agreement with users。

Article 42 Network operators shall not disclose, tamper with, or destroy the personal information they have collected;Personal information shall not be provided to others without the consent of the person collected。However, it is not possible to identify a specific individual after processing and cannot be restored。

Network operators shall take technical measures and other necessary measures to ensure the security of the personal information they collect and prevent information disclosure, damage or loss。In the event of or possible disclosure, damage or loss of personal information, it shall immediately take remedial measures, inform users in a timely manner and report to the relevant competent authorities in accordance with regulations。

Article 43 Where an individual discovers that a network operator has collected or used his or her personal information in violation of laws, administrative regulations or mutual agreements, he or she shall have the right to request the network operator to delete his or her personal information;If it is found that the personal information collected and stored by the network operator is wrong, it has the right to request the network operator to correct it。Network operators shall take measures to delete or correct。

Article 44 No individual or organization may steal or obtain personal information by other illegal means, and may not illegally sell or illegally provide personal information to others。

Article 45 Departments and their staff that are legally responsible for the supervision and administration of cyber security must keep strictly confidential the personal information, privacy and business secrets they come to know in the course of performing their duties, and must not disclose, sell or illegally provide to others。

Article 46 Any individual or organization shall be responsible for its use of the Internet,Shall not be established to commit fraud,Imparting methods of crime,Websites and communication groups that produce or sell illegal and criminal activities such as prohibited and controlled goods,Shall not use the Internet to publish involving the commission of fraud,Information about the production or sale of prohibited items, controlled items and other criminal activities。

Article 47 Network operators shall strengthen the management of the information released by their users, and if they find that the release or transmission of information is prohibited by laws and administrative regulations, they shall immediately stop the transmission of the information, take disposal measures such as elimination, prevent the spread of information, keep relevant records, and report to the relevant competent authorities。

Article 48 The electronic information sent by any individual or organization or the application software provided by it shall not contain malicious programs, and shall not contain information whose publication or transmission is prohibited by laws and administrative regulations。

Electronic information transmission service providers and application software download service providers shall perform the obligations of safety management, knowing that their users have the acts prescribed in the preceding paragraph, shall stop providing services, take elimination and other disposal measures, keep relevant records, and report to the relevant competent authorities。

Article 49 Network operators shall establish a network information security complaint and reporting system, publish information such as complaints and reporting methods, and promptly accept and handle complaints and reports related to network information security。

Network operators shall cooperate with the supervision and inspection carried out by network and information technology departments and relevant departments according to law。

Article 50 The national cyberspace administration and relevant departments shall perform the duties of supervision and administration of network information security according to law,Discovering information whose publication or transmission is prohibited by laws or administrative regulations,Network operators should be required to stop transmission,Take disposal measures such as elimination,Keep relevant records;The above information comes from outside the People's Republic of China,The relevant authorities shall be notified to take technical and other necessary measures to interrupt transmission。